Thursday, June 5, 2014

Negative Self Talk Books Get A Facelift: New Titles and Cover Makeovers

Hi everyone. Its been a busy and hot week here in Texas. But I will take the heat over winter any day. I hope you guys are having pleasant weather and that you are doing well and that you're living your best life in the will of God.

I've been busy giving some of the more popular titles a makeover. I wanted the titles to be indicative of the subject matter and for some reason, the previous titles just didn't convey the message of the content the way that I wanted them to.

The first and most popular title, Deliver Me From Negative Self Talk is pretty much the same, save the subtitle, which is now Deliver Me From Negative Self-talk: Faithful Words You Should Say When You Talk To Yourself. Oh and my long-time readers will note that the cover art has gone back to the original design. I also added 30 days of Devotionals at the end. You will remember there were previously only 7 days. I  unpublished one of my devotionals (I Might Bend But I Wont Break) and I added it to this book. I think the additional devotionals will bless the readers and add more value.

In keeping with the first book's design, the second book is Lord Deliver Me From  Negative Emotions: Controlling Negative Emotions and Finding Peace in the Midst of Storms. We all have experienced emotional stress. Hopefully, you were able to control your emotions and avoid a dangerous meltdown. This book will bless you by teaching you how to control negative emotions and channel anger and fear so that they produce more positive outcomes. Learn to set boundaries for negative people and how to live peacefully even when everything around you seem to be falling apart.

 Deliver Me From Negative Health Talk: Guide To Speaking Healing Words of Faith, is also going through a change. It's cover will be more like the previous two titles. The new title is "Choose Words of Life: How to Declare Your Healing and Stand In Faith Until It Manifests".

For some reason the original title, Negative Health Talk, just didn't work for readers I suppose. "Your Words Can Heal Your Body" resonates more with me and hopefully it will with readers too.

Not many people downloaded it, but those of you who did gave wonderful reviews. So I know its not that the book is bad, just that something is drawing the audience. Hence the new book cover and some updates internally.

Finally, The book that has gone through the most changes is my personal testimony. I've gone back and forth with the title as many of you know. Trying to find one that works and draws interest. This book was Faith Under Fire, Oh God Please Help Me, Sow Much More....and now I think the final title, The 7 Most Powerful Faith Principles That Changed A Stressed-out Mom's Life Forever.

I look forward to hearing from you guys. Thank you so much for the kind emails and Facebook posts. Your support blesses me and keeps my encouraged. I need your encouragement too :-) Love you guys. Thank you again for all of your support and prayers. Talk with you again soon.


  1. Loved this book. Found this book inspiring, challenging and encouraging. I am waiting for my husband's salvation 27 years now and can feel very discouraged. I am not feeling sorry for myself but it can be very lonely and tough existence but for the amazing Grace of God. This book has lifted my faith and I am planning a similar fast to Lynn's. I loved the simplicity and honesty of the journal showing God's encouragement and the enemies schemes to bring discouragement. Bless you and your household. Will buy more copies for others. I am choosing to trust God in spite of seeing no change in the natural at this time. You are a Faithful God and I love You

  2. Hi Julie: Sorry I'm so late responding to this. Thank you for your support and encouraging words. I'd like to encourage you as well to keep standing for your husband. My mom stood in faith for my dad for over 18 years. And one Sunday morning he got up with the rest of us and went to church. That was the beginning. He went on to become a deacon. God is faithful. He hears your prayers. Stay in faith and continue to pray that the eyes of your husband's understanding are opened. Keep praying!
